Monday, October 5, 2009


Has he become a piano virtuoso? Well, who knows? God isn't finished with him yet!  Sean on the other hand has definitely become a "virtuoso" in numerous other things beginning with marrying Sadie July 12, 2003.  Following are the births of their sons Syler and Ryder - and a new baby next Spring.  These are the most important things.  There have been many other accomplishments everywhere from home and yard improvements to his current studies at Gonzaga University.  Dave and I are so thankful for Sean and wish him a very happy 29th birthday!  (P.S.  All other children: I'm just catching on to this blogging and in the future I plan on featuring your birthdays too - if I forget you can hold me hostage for a year and make me fold your laundry!)

1 comment:

Tasha Horsley said...

ooooh, folded laundry! please forget to post about my birthday next year! no, i'm serious.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SEAN! haha you didn't get your laundry folded!