Monday, June 15, 2009

Well, here's an overview of my enlarged garden space this year! First, I had the fun of hand shoveling out all the grass sod. I rolled the sod into huge rolls that could barely be lifted onto a moving "dolly" so it could be re-used where we removed (previously oversized) decking. It's pretty lumpy grass - but, hey, it's better than dirt - and maybe next year we'll smooth it out!

Talia said she'd love to know where she could get the seeds for the Direct TV Dish. I'm keeping it a secret actually, as I consider it my most successful planting so far! (This was THE ONLY spot in the yard where we could get a signal . . . nice touch though, don't you think!)

1 comment:

Sant Family said...

I am laughing at your direct tv plant. The only place direct tv could get a signal at my house was directly over my front porch.